I wasn’t going to write this and please don’t read this if you are sick and tired of doomy warnings about another major shock to the system, coming within six weeks. Yes, the art of prognostication is that precise these days.
So, reading the runes is not hard; the message is the same no matter where you look. (Except the MMM). The ‘conviction’ of the person Kunstler has dubbed The Golden Golem of Greatness (?) has woken up everyone who wasn’t in the mood and sharply brought into focus what has been brewing. Democracy in the USA is in a shambolic and possibly final phase of its existence.
When the law is abused to disable a hated opponent then you are indeed joining all the infamous tinpot dictatorships. China and Russia, for example. Of course, this shitshow isn’t over, appeals are in the works, but the trajectory is clear: the Blob, the Deep State, the money behind the so called Democratic Party is now fully engaged in winning at all costs. And the cost is Democracy itself. However imperfect the system is in the USA; it was still stumbling along somehow. But it has just been felled. People who habitually avert their eyes from the unsavory goings on in Washington and the White House in order to remain sane are now paying attention. Lawfare is a new word, but I think it is here to stay. It may end up becoming The Word of the Year for 2024.
Meanwhile, I am watching The Good Fight on Amazon Prime, which just happens to be about how right thinking, political people can do very evil things in the name of ‘saving democracy’. It first aired in 2018 and it is about Trump, corruption, and well, the good fight. Very anti Trump in a sort of exhilarating way. I used to feel like these characters do. They are completely unhinged, actually. The whole thing feels amazingly contemporary and sometimes, it manages to find a kind of balance between hysteria over Trump and concern about his crazy enemies though most of the main characters suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
They are New Yorkers, after all. And it feels like an only slightly dated mirror, reflecting a clear message: the times are out of joint. Six years hence, and they are breaking up completely. Biden has just announced that it’s okay for the Ukraine to use advanced American weapons that only American soldiers know how to operate. Just a little thing like that could change history. And it is another signal that something evil is coming our way.
Other bad omens that have caught my wandering eye:
A Naomi Wolf interview with someone called Clif High set my teeth on edge.
Apparently, Clif is an early adopter of computer technology and developed a linguistic system to scrape meaning from the tsunami of words on the Internet. And sort of predicted 9/11 though not precisely. He says that telepathy is a neglected human talent, which I concur with. However, he also talks a lot about how Aliens came to earth 8000 years ago and ‘fucked us over’ and that they are back. Soon. By soon he means six weeks. In six weeks, on July 15, there is going to be a dreadful and fundamental change to our reality, he predicts. And as the law of synchronicity has kicked in, the Republican Party Convention happens only four days prior and the Astrologers, those people we should simply not listen to but who were correct in their collective warnings about 2020 ushering in a new dystopia, they have fingered that day as a major conjunction in the heavens that bodes ill for us poor humans. It is Mars (planet of war) conjuncting with Uranus (planet of chaos) in the sign of Taurus, which denotes Earth. What could possibly go wrong. I hate it when very different ways of thinking about reality come to the same conclusion.
I can of course just pretend none of this is happening. It would be better for my rising blood pressure and overall mental state. They say meditating and exercising is a way to deal with too much stress caused by feelings of helplessness and anxiety.
So that is what I am going to do. You’d think that at almost 84 years of age, I would be ready to disintegrate along with the rest of humanity in the colossal ball of fire and radiation that atomic energy releases.
Strangely, I am not so inclined. I actually want to go on living. In a functioning democracy with all the blessings of civilization like electricity and food and hot and cold running water intact. I have had these things my whole life, even though in rather diminished form during my world war two childhood. I really hate to think that like a neat bookend, those days are now back. World War 3 anyone?
Well, I did warn you. But I forgot to add swimming and hiking to the prescribed list of things to keep us sane. Let’s go swimming, hiking and meditating. There you go. See you back here on July 15, 2024.