As the Canadian body politic lies bleeding in the icy streets of Ottawa, a global shitstorm has erupted over the Emergency Measures Act, by which Trudeau is now hounding and assaulting his own citizens, stealing their money, and trampling what is left of their human rights.
It didn’t have to come to this. Trudeau could have chosen to simply sit down with the truckers and talk, negotiate, and craft a solution. That is what leaders do. But he chose to become a dictator a day after he had a chat with President Biden. Is that coincidence? I don’t think so. Other commentators besides me believe that Biden put enormous pressure on Trudeau to put an end to the Freedom Convoy because another, much bigger and more belligerent trucker movement is about to be launched in the USA. Biden wanted to send a strong message to them: stop this nonsense or there is going to be real trouble. And he used the despicable traitor Trudeau to deliver it on the backs of his own population.
Canadian politicians, with the exception of PM Chretien, who refused to sign on to the war in Iraq, generally do what Uncle Sam wants. It takes a strong and principled PM to resist American pressure, and if we know anything, we know that’s not what Justin is. He is, by any measure, a political traitor as well as a moral coward. He will wear his decision to invoke this bad law forever, and his father, Pierre Elliott, must be turning in his grave. PE also called out the big guns, but he had good reason. In 1970, there was a genuine crisis, when a group of actual terrorists, the FLQ, kidnapped and murdered a couple of politicians in Quebec. Nothing like this has happened since and isn’t happening with the Freedom Convoy. They have resisted all provocations to turn violent: indeed, it was when the police arrived that it got violent.
Canadians and Americans are part of one big, currently very unhappy, political family. The truckers are giving voice to all the grievances that have accumulated and grown too big to ignore. The ‘basket of deplorable’ in the US has taken notice, and in about a week, they are planning to launch their own US Convoys. Starting from several cities at once, they aim to descend on Washington, DC, during the first week of March. They will be vilified, smeared and called terrible names, just like our truckers were. They will be met with force and violence, just like our truckers are.
I don’t want to get all Shakespearean here, but watch the Ides of March. Everything that we cherish and have fought for during WW2 is on the table again. The Fascist Virus was in remission, but it has returned with a vengeance. There is no vaccine against this virus. But there is a choice.
And it is stark: you are either with the forces of freedom or you are not.
Trudeau is too stupid to understand what he has unleashed. But I still want to believe that peace and order loving Canadians will, in the end, decide to depose him. It may take a GENERAL STRIKE to do it. But he has stepped over the line and we, the citizens of Canada and the USA will join forces in the name of Liberty.
As an immigrant from Germany, the cradle of fascism, I am haunted by the evil force of the fascist virus. I am telling you: now is the moment when every last citizen counts. Just as during the days of my youth, the rank stench of tyranny is everywhere: I recognize it. It is making me ill.
And I am asking my fellow citizens and our American cousins to rise up, to resist. It is now or never.
I agree. It is time for fence-sitting, compliant Canadians to wake up to the fact that a barely legitimate regime is subverting this country in the most overt, egregious fashion ever seen. The actions of Castro Jr. over the past week have put everything into focus. I have never called for the violent overthrow of a government in this country, but this regime has declared war on its' own citizens. It's high time to act.
Thank you, Monika. A bitter pill, but as you say, unless we stop it now, it will spread at an exponential rate. Speaking from your own experience in Germany makes it all the more vital. I will watch Ides of March. I missed it in theaters.