When a society cannot agree on what its history is or what it means, trouble ensues. It falls apart, riven by internal dissensions. We’re clearly suffering through one of those eras. The reasons are complicated but you could say that it comes down to where you get your information. People who listen to the so called Legacy Media are usually in disagreement with those who get it elsewhere, but that is only the beginning. There is a fundamental question here, one that asks how you want your information to be framed. Do you think in terms of statistics, history, stories or metaphor? Being clear about this is crucial when you attempt to think coherently about anything, but especially about a major catastrophe like the Covid19 Pandemic.
In this post I’m going to take a closer look at these four ways of framing the Covid Story. The effort to simply sweep it under the rug of forgetting hasn’t worked. Inconvenient Questions keep popping up, the wounded are demanding Accountability. And we’re finally getting reputable sources like the Brownstone Institute shining the bright light of reason on a dark landscape. We’re entering a long delayed process to clearly see a story that has been murky, confused and denied.
This Brownstone Institute essay is the first time all the pieces have been rigorously assembled, revealing a political, medical and moral landscape in deep disarray.
Brownstone lays it all out, in meticulous detail. Anyone who has the time and the inclination to look has long since concluded that we were victims of an organized coup, a crime of mind-blowing proportions in which western governments destroyed the very fabric of laws guaranteeing our rights to liberty, to freedom of speech and movement while colluding with corrupt Big Pharma sensing a gigantic business opportunity. They claimed that a ‘deadly’ virus forced them to do that. The fact that it was only deadly to the diseased and elderly was conveniently left out of the narrative. We were deliberately thrown into panic mode, but of course, they did it for our own good.
Then there was the lie about the origin of the virus. We now know it was engineered in a level four lab in Wuhan, with US money funnelled via the ‘Health Czar’ Fauci to the Eco Health Alliance under Peter Daszak. But that was hotly denied and ‘proven wrong’ by the very same people who funded it via a cooked up, devious paper that should never have been published. What is still not widely known is that the truth was indeed terrible: Covid-19 was a bioweapon, unleashed on us either accidentally or on purpose and then ‘managed’ by the US Department of Homeland Security, which is an arm of the Military.
In Canada, we got used to living without any rights when Trudeau’s minions proclaimed the War Measures Act, something only done when the security of the Nation is at risk. Which it wasn’t. This was pure government overreach fuelled by hysteria and hubris. We have had pandemics before, more deadly than this one, and we managed them with some restraint and basic reason. Not this time. We were then told that a ‘vaccine’ against this ‘deadly’ virus that was both ‘safe and effective’ had miraculously and post haste been created by Big Pharma. Wonderful people who were exempted from any and all accountability. If you didn’t submit to taking it voluntarily, they would fire you, ruin your life and smear you as ‘people who are racists and mysoginists’, as our PM J Trudeau did.
And after all that, there was a gigantic on going campaign by the Security Services, the CIA and the FDA, forcing the big platforms like Google and Facebook to suppress and cancel any hint that questioned the officially sanctioned narratives. These ‘hate speech’ and ‘disinformation wars’ are ongoing and the public no longer knows whom to believe or what to read. Aside from the physical damage, the deaths and long term effects on the immune system and the heart, the damage to free speech in the West is profound. But without a deep discussion of what happened and some kind of accountability, we are not going to heal. The damage to our democracy will be permanent. As the historian Niall Ferguson recently asked, Are we the Soviets now?
So that was the Pandemic through the lens of Narrative History. But maybe you want a more scientific angle. Okay. Though Science is no longer enjoying the (false) prestige as the bringer of Absolute Truth that it had before the pandemic, let’s begin with a meta analysis of the social consequences published in a reputable scientific journal, The National Library of Medicine, or NIH.
It doesn’t mince words:
Measures to break the chain of virus transmission and to control the COVID-19 pandemic have caused major problems in the economic, social, political and psychological spheres and have affected billions of people worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has caused widespread unrest in society and unprecedented changes in lifestyle, work and social interactions, and increasing social distance has severely affected human relations.
The paper dives into how social class played a huge role in how individuals experienced the restrictions: if you were of the elite, you might have done well, your job moved to your nice mansion with your laptop and ZOOM, while you simply settled into more home based life. It wasn’t wonderful, but it was not a disaster. However, if you were a working class stiff, life became unbearable. Lacking the resources of the elites, you bore the brunt, might have lost your job, or even your business. You would find yourself sequestered behind useless plastic screens, trying to understand what the customer on the other side was mumbling through their masks. Yes, there were government handouts, and some grifting going on, but your life became one of constantly juggling new directives, figuring out the logistics of simply living became a nightmare, especially if you noticed how insane they were, how the enforcement varied according to who you were. If you were a mere citizen and did something normal like visit a park that was suddenly off limits, the police could get involved. I vividly recall large signs on the benches in my neighbourhood park once it opened up again, asking me not to sit there. And signs along the paths from which I must not stray. Worst of all was the near universal enforcement of masks when there is no scientific consensus at all. I still see people in Victoria with masks today. These are the permanently damaged, the people who are convinced that by wearing masks they are somehow ‘safe’ when all research tells a different story.
To sum up: We’ve been trying to pick ourselves up and move on as if nothing had happened. The small but vocal group of people who have been doing the spade work of uncovering the disaster, many of them here on Substack, are not widely known. I salute their work and recommend reading Margaret Anna Alice, Matt Taibbi, Unacceptable Jessica, and Geoff Olsen among many others. With the Imminent appointment of RFK Junior and Jay Battacharya to positions of power in the US government, we might see Accountability make a comeback. Let’s hope they have more finesse and better communication skills than the Musk tech bros who are not blessed with a sense of what not to slash and burn, what to leave intact. A scorched earth tactic won’t help us; it will simply leave everyone in a state of shock, floundering in the flood of painful revelations.
Meanwhile, disagreements, evasions and half truths continue to fester and distort our public life. Many people like me suffer from Covid PTSD and shy away from thinking about it and reliving the feelings of helplessness and rage. I believe it’s one of the many reasons why five years later, there is so little consensus about what happened.
I have found a perfect metaphor for the destruction of our mental and emotional landscape after Covid. It is an actual place, a few hundred kilometres to the south in the state of Washington called Scablands, formed millennia ago during the ice age. Geologists during the early twentieth century had a hard time figuring out what caused it because the received wisdom of the time was that the earth changed very very slowly. The Scablands, so named because they resembled a badly healed wound on the body of Mother Earth, didn’t fit that theory. Just like the received wisdom of good Public Health officials and ‘Safe and Effective Vaccines’ doesn’t square with the experience we suffered through. The Geologists couldn’t make sense of the random granite boulders thrown about like matchsticks, the world’s largest waterfall formation without any water, not to mention the shape of the land resembling the ripples on the bottom of a lake but in huge format—it just didn’t add up. They literally didn’t know what they were looking at. It took them 80 years to come to terms with and finally accept that their received ideas were wrong: sometimes the earth changed dramatically and very fast indeed. They utterly rejected the theory of a renegade young Geologist that the Scablands were created when an ice dam holding back a huge river, finally burst, releasing an avalanche of water so powerful that it deformed an entire landscape. In a very similar fashion, an entire society trying to make sense of the Covid Era with assumptions that no longer held, saw nothing but Scablands. We haven’t been able to understand the Covid Scenario because it requires re-framing our fundamental assumptions about the kind of world we live in. The awful truth is that we witnessed and suffered through a massive failure of the Elites who run our world. We trusted them. We were proved wrong. And they have yet to confess to what they did, knowingly or not.
Years ago, one of my boyfriends who was not your average guy, told me that one day, our Elites would turn on each other. And that it would lead to a bitter fight that would split our society. He was prescient because what we’re now watching is exactly that. We’re in the middle of a counter revolution that is keeping us both entertained and worried in equal measure. And part of that revolution is the revelation of secrets and cabals. The nagging question I have is this: will Trump 2.0 have the moral courage to admit that he too made terrible mistakes during the Covid Era? Because he did. He did not see who or what Fauci was, calling him ‘a nice guy’. The ‘vaccines’ were manufactured at ‘warpspeed’ at his request, with rules he made.
And if he acknowledges that terrible things were done, and says I am sorry, we must fix this wound, who knows what that would unleash?
Yes, the mind boggles at that scenario. We’re increasingly getting used to insane public scenes, so I wouldn’t put it out of range entirely. It’s not impossible, since Trump has found God, who he claims saved him from the assassin’s bullet. Twice. And I do wonder if Trump listens to his Conscience. Because that is the private voice, calling each and everyone of us to be Accountable. I am relieved that the Accountability Game is now in session and likely to continue for some time. It will keep us all in thrall because this is the poker game of all time. The cards are being revealed, slowly at first and then, all at once. And when we can see all the cards, we will be able to see the Truth, at last. The Covid Landscape will, finally, make sense.
That is one of ur best!