It’s been a loony few days
Things are odd and awry
While the Moon slowly fattens
And gets more golden
Like a lopsided giant apricot
So ripe it’s rotten
This is a moon for the misbegotten
For the frightened and lonely
On this anxious planet
Everybody knows that
On the night of the Supermoon
Strange things are afoot
Accidents kill, sudden desires bloom,
Fires erupt, floods sweep away
The ground you stand on
and babies
are born too soon
Tonight is the last Blue Supermoon
Of my life
It’s a doozy
Not another one like it
For 14 years
I won’t be here
This is it
My last chance to escape from
The dark side of the Moon
Shed everything & dance
Naked and loony
Like those old crones
The madwomen
The witches
They used to hang
And burn in a trance
Of hatred
These are unquiet times
I grab my hat and drive
My beat up old Celica
Another celestial vehicle
To the Sea
To see this golden Moon rising
Like a clockwork orange
I hope it will inspire
A deep desire for redemption
For ease and surcease
For remembering that everything returns
Even love
You know that song
Blue Moon you saw me standing alone
A boy wrote it, skating on an icy river
Shivering and hoping
That love and fame would find him
Though the clouds are blocking my view
I know you are up there
Eternal like love
My old friend and trickster
Difficult but true
Another brilliant poem. Thanks, Monika.
i like this poem, somehow it reminds me of a great poem by the famous German poetess and writer Annette von Droste-Hülshoff - "Mondesaufgang". Here is a link: