O that I were young again
A lament for the late great Nation of Canada, with apologies to W.B. Yeats
Alcohol ink image by Monika Ullmann
I have never written a ‘political’ poem before this one. It was inspired by this year’s Canada Day, a strangely muted affair. For example, on a building with about 200 balconies a grand total of two sported flags. Make of that what you will. I used to be a committed patriot, always praising the country I emigrated to at the tender age of almost thirteen. That ended three years ago and I may never again be ‘proud’ of being Canadian. A country full of people who prefer to put up and shut up is not for me. I would have made a better American because they tend to fight for their rights. Or they used to. Whatever is going on in the West, it seems to me like an existential and spiritual struggle whose outcome is highly uncertain. Meanwhile, I will carry on and speak up, even in poetry. In this spirit, here is the Canada Day poem.
How could I, that girl putting on
Her brave immigrant smile
Know what is coming
Struggling with English
I am without guile
My new country is
A many splendoured land
Vast and various
The very breath of liberty is
Blowing in the air
where us immigrants
learn to balance
Sweet hope with dark despair
But all is changed
Changed utterly
The kaleidoscope
has frozen
Into an inky hue
This place is no longer mine
Not a true North strong and free
I am a stranger from another time
But do not pity me
Canada is a place where
They are doing Faustian deals
Reciting remote isms
Why do They take up arms
Against us
And foster schisms
And maybe what They say
Of western culture’s end
is true
Or maybe it’s a lie
And we will bend
And rise again on cue
But O that I were young again
Innocent and free
When all things were possible
And we could clearly see
beyond alarms
A fine future beckoning
with her long & lovely arms
I too can't even contemplate celebrating Canada Day. I don't have the slightest wish for this country. I only wish I could escape with my entire family away from the WEF hell that is Canada. And oh yes. Die Trudeau you miserable tyrant. Sic sempre Tyrannus!