Image Courtesy of NASA, ESA, Hubble, HLA; Processing: Jonathan Lodge
The making of a poem is a strange experience. Sometimes it’s just a single phrase that gloms onto your inner ear and won’t let go until you work it into a poem. That’s what happened and I confess it took several attempts over several frustrating days to get to the version you see before you. Perhaps it needs another turning, but being of an impatient disposition, I am going to let it fly today. Bugger off darling; you’ve bothered me enough for now though I believe you were worth it…
….is not Hate
Though Hate is next to Haughty in my Dictionary of Slang &
Having pondered its true meaning
At length
In the pool
At night
I find
It is a dismal collection of disparate deplorable things
The homeless in the parks
The sudden deaths of young men
The excess deaths ignored
The bio-weapon labs denied
The official, continuing lies
The doctors who sell their souls
The social justice warriors hurling
The woke cry bullies baying
The people averting their minds
The Science(™)
The War that is not ending
But above all
General Indifference
I just want to have a happy life, they cry
That is the opposite of Love
I hear them
Who doesn’t want to be happy in America
That place where the people are expected to
Pursue Happiness as their patriotic due
But it’s no longer possible
For me and you
There’s too much dissolution and despair
The end of Empire seems near
I am not ready for it
It hurts to realize that the centre cannot hold
That we end not with a bang but
A collective whimper
But I can hope, can’t I
It may only be temporary
A lull between now and that next
Big thing
That period where out of paradox and pain
And angry iteration
Rises the Phoenix of a reborn nation
trusting in something innate
That is the opposite of Despair and Hate
I admit this would be a kind of miracle
but it could happen
If we but remember that Love
is not this single word
A poor servant that does not express
What we mean at all
It is insipid
Let us go and make a visit to
The places where Creation
in all its crazy excess
Breathes hard and labours to express
the World where
Agape and Eros are holding hands
dancing in Harmony
beckoning us to witness
the unfurling golden flower
the perfect pink plumage of flamingos
the intimate Klimt Kiss
the majesty of the towering Totem Pole
Beethoven’s Sonata #18
Heart’s Stairway to Heaven
The sharp off beat of Flamenco
Haunting Delta Blues &
All of Bach & Mozart
Notre Dame
the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum
the Hagia Sophia
If we want we could find faith again
because you gotta serve Somebody
Might as well serve what they call
The Ground of Being
which is
Nameless yet present
within Us
In All ways
Forever and ever
Nice release! Keep up with the poetry!
Love your Poem! We must talk about it! You are so far away, I know. LOL We will make it happen!