This poem was inspired by Geoff Olsen’s Substack on musical trains of thought and the nature of power.
I see my poem as a kind of Coda, if you like. Here it is and I hope that it speaks to you.
Photo by Roland Lösslein on Unsplash
There’s a
train whistling through the winding
Tunnels of my brain
It’s fast and loud and knows
The destination is consternation
I’m yearning for romantic journeys to
Rangoon and the Moon
Maybe not in that order
But departing soon
I need to get away from this sad state
To that joyful place beyond
The borders
Of my mind
We used to call it love
Lately curdled into hate
Stop that train of thought
Change trains
And you will be well
the Dr of the mind is sure
that I can drop my chains
that thinking makes it so
I have those
runaway feelings
that have jumped the track of reason
completely out of season &
I can’t put them back
Where they belong
What is wrong
Dr tell me what is wrong
I dream of a place beyond words
Beyond the safety
fence of my mind
in another place and time
If I could only find it
this gift from generous gods
I would bring offerings
Of pears and pearls and
Ripe pomegranate seeds
Floating in pure water from a secret spring
Here I could stop and breathe in
slowly coming back
To life
And then I could sing
Oh yes, sing!
Because that love train is
Hurtling down the track
At the crack of my brain
Anyone can jump aboard
You too can ride &
pawn your priceless rings
For the one true crazy thing
The one true crazy thing
The one true crazy thing
I love it! Terrific poem with great imagery that I can completely relate go. I like how it changes track…and I’m honoured that my Songbook stuff sparked this one. Like you, I’m trying something different from the usual commentary, and glad it’s hit a chord. That’s how resonance works…Let’s keep inspiring each other, Monika!
Keep em comin!!