If you’ve been less than enthused about my recent posts about managing pain via Energy Medicine, rest assured that I am not ignoring other kinds of pain management. And before I get into the subject of mental/emotional pain, let me say that there are some excellent people delving into back pain on YouTube who are firmly grounded in the western scientific tradition of evidence and research. No woo woo Energy stuff.
One of the best is Dr Peter Attia. He too had some serious back pain issues and while the word Energy Medicine never appears, he has sound, practical and up to date information on how to live with it, handle it, defeat it. Especially useful are his question and answer sessions with a recognized eminence on back pain, Dr Stuart McGill.
Aside from back pain issues, Attia is well worth your time on any health issue. Never a word about ‘energy’ at all. The closest he gets to anything woo woo is a long discussion with the author Ernst Juenger about the latter’s near death experience and the subsequent mental pain of dealing with this event. Juenger is a classic left brain kind of guy, extremely driven and not given to delving into the things that counter our prevailing materialistic there is no God western paradigm. He certainly did NOT think that first of all, he was dying when he was, and that there was an afterlife of any kind either. But then something happened that challenged everything he thought he knew. It’s a fascinating story:
This conversation leads me straight into what I really want to talk about: mental pain and conflict resulting in emotional anguish. Or if you want to be scientific about it, the wide emergence of ‘cognitive dissonance’. I’m not immune to it, as this post shows.
Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. People tend to seek consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes unpleasant feelings of unease or discomfort.1
American Psychological Association. Cognitive dissonance.
Looking around me on this February 12, 2025, a full Moon in Leo making me more than usually emotional, it seems that all of NA is in this state at the moment. Cognitive Dissonance rules, especially as it relates to DOGE. And let me warn you: I have a deep aversion to bureaucrats, who are in DOGE’s line of fire. We need them, sure, but we do not need an army of corrupted self-serving overpaid ones. Musk’s bros, primarily young techies, are revealing bureaucratic corruption and waste on a scale nobody has ever managed to uncover before, causing the kind of pain that makes public intellectuals go crazy and ordinary folk wonder how much we really want to know. That famous cry You Can’t Handle the Truth uttered by the evil colonel in that movie is reverberating in our heads once again. Matt Taibbi describes the situation as The Monster Mash, which is apt. Monsters are indeed everywhere. And speaking of people who literally can’t handle Truth, how about Scott Galloway, the well-known and respected author of Adrift and Professor of Marketing at a New York university. He went ballistic and promised to ‘go after’ the young Muskies because ‘it’s time to go into gangster mode’, which to me evokes guns and murder. What? Is he literally threatening the lives of these Musk employees? It sure sounds like it but maybe he will stop freaking out if asked nicely. One wonders.
I think he is a rather extreme example of an entire class of people who think of themselves as the smartest in the room and in control of things. Being upstaged by these barely adult bros must upset them and the professor, who has been known to wear lipstick, eyeliner and dresses but stopped that when the mother of a transgender kid begged him to. https://www.fastcompany.com/90731788/parent-of-transgender-child-confronts-scott-galloway-at-sxsw-about-cross-dressing
I don’t want to make too much of this but then again, Galloway looks an awful lot like Foucault and engages in the same aggressive intellectual warfare. But let’s move on, shall we?
Aside from the massive cuts to public spending that the ‘snot nosed kids’ are engineering in Washington, there are other weird things happening. I follow a couple of Astrologers and they are of one mind: Trump is not long for this world. The deranged mentality acted out by Professor Galloway, is planning Trump’s third assassination, they say. Maybe that is why Trump is issuing Executive Orders at Blitzkrieg speed. He knows that the backlash is brewing, and this time, it may prove deadly. Being President of the USA has always been a very dangerous job and if Trump gets his way with revealing The Truth, we will shortly know who actually masterminded the assassinations of Jack Kennedy and his brother, Robert and Martin Luther King. That will confirm something that people who pay attention have suspected ever since.
And if that isn’t enough, Trump has to deal with the unresolved issue of drone swarms in the skies. So far, he has not done it, instead making evasive and stupid statements that nobody bothers to listen to. What does he know now that he didn’t know before he took office? That is the question. The obsessive secrecy regarding UFO and UAP sightings is legendary but hasn’t stopped an entire industry trying to pry these secrets out of the cold dead hand of the state. It began with speculations about Marylin Monroe’s death, linked to her publicly threatening to reveal something hidden that her lover, Jack Kennedy, had whispered to her during one their trysts. Something about aliens visiting earth, apparently. No sooner had she uttered this threat than she was found dead, the very next day, August 4, 1962.
An awful thing and an awful dissonance, right there. Fast forward to today and we have a parade of ex-army and air-force personnel swearing before Congress that yes indeed, there is something Alien being hidden, possibly in big walk in freezers. The Aliens have been here for a long time and the State knows about that, you bet. They just don’t want us to know because we, you guessed it, we can’t handle that Truth.
Tune in to this interview with Yuri Geller
and your hair might stand on end because the dissonance here is sky high, so to speak. He claims that it was none other than Wernher v Braun, the Nazi father of the US rocket and space industry, who showed him actual dead aliens in a walk in freezer on an airbase he said he could not identify. For security reasons. Watch it and mark your Dissonance Meter. Mine went off the charts, mostly because the takeaway from this interview is that psychic phenomena are real, are being studied by the military and also, used. Right. BTW, the Nazis were also convinced of the usefulness of psychics.
As always seems to be the case, Mother Earth is mirroring the Angst in human affairs. I firmly believe, with the likes of Shakespeare and so on, that we are in fact linked to the energy of the planet in ways that we do not fully comprehend but feel nonetheless. The explosive nature of revealing awful, hidden Truths is causing earthquakes in unusual numbers, just as the tectonic plates of political power are grinding against each other in the West, especially in the USA. The most watched earthquake event is the ongoing swarm of minor and midlevel quakes around the Greek island of Santorini. You can watch all earthquake activity in real time here:
The Santorini threat is not over as I write and 11000 people have already been evacuated. The constant shaking might be leading up to an event that caused a major tsunami and serious damage back in February, during a full moon, in 1957. The Astrologers are noting the similarities in the heavenly bodies with some alarm. The scientific community is divided as to what is really going on and whether or not the underwater volcano underneath is going to erupt. That would devastate the entire region of the Mediterranean basin, so nobody wants to seriously think that. But. In another weird and totally bizarre twist, allow me to introduce you to the British psychic Amanda Ellis doing a ‘reading’ on this situation and ‘seeing’ on camera live, what she calls ‘A giant serpent’ at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea. She is visibly sweating during this ugh, séance (?).
I watched it and don’t know what to make of it. Really, I don’t but it’s another piece in a strange puzzle we have yet to crack. In addition, there has been a 7.5 quake just south of the Gulf in the Carribbean, with lots of after shocks. Also, several shocks off the coast of Eurika and in California in the Bay and LA regions. Up here in Canada, we’ve had several off shore events as well. The earth is always quaking, of course, but she seems more than usually active, reflecting a chaotic and unstable time. A dissonant time.
So that’s it for this Full Moon Madness. How much Truth do we allow into our public spaces? Our private minds? And what do we do about the people who want to shoot Truth down, gangster style?
That is a question that will haunt us all during this eruptive, volcanic year of Cognitive Dissonance.