Is the immaculate immolation/of a man in flames
a spectacle of madness/ or a tale/told by an idiot
signifying nothing/you tell me
Maybe just maybe/his mind was on fire/burning with yearning
a burnt out hull of blazing truths/ half dead already when
ambulances and fire fighters arrived /he was highly unstable/
unable to digest our daily bread
of bad news/ bad elitist dudes in masks
the fireworks of crazy numbers only aliens can grasp
we know those stories/ know them all
they are not tall tales/some of them ring true
He wanted us to do/some Thing/start the revolution
get off Crypto/beware of digital devolution
He will not be the last
the mental blaze is now too bright/the flames jumping
from story to story/the fire in the mind/devours reality
everything solid melts into air/beware of baked-in convictions
stick with your brain renovictions
there’s no there there
Just remember/you do not have to set yourself ablaze/
just set a controlled fire/to the rubbish in your head
It beats being dead, trust me, she said