Me smoking a hookah for creative inspiration
Dear, valued Subscribers
There are 80 of you now and I am extremely grateful that you read and comment on my musings, meanderings, occasional rants and the original art and lately, quite a few poems. To my surprise and delight, it is the poems that are generating the most interest and comments. I seem to find writing in that form more in tune with the Zeitgeist though I still write essays as well. It is with some regret that I am introducing a paywall for the poems, though the essays will still be free.
Behind the paywall I will also re-publish my memoir, Rebel Muse with some annotations and additions that reflect my current state of mind. I wrote and published this memoir of my life with the artist Peter Paul Ochs five years ago, when things were different. It was ‘the before the pandemic’ time and as we all know, everything has changed, especially the way we think about life, politics, health and death. In addition, I will publish my first poems, written fifty years ago and published by EVENT magazine. Hint: they couldn’t be more different from what I am writing now. If the memoir is popular, I may also republish my first book, The Life and Art of David Marshall, a biography of a neglected Vancouver artist. The book was the first in the series The Unheralded Artists of British Columbia, by Mothertongue Publishing on Saltspring Island.
This isn’t going to be a quick change, however. I expect there to be glitches and holdups while I try to come to grips with the process of erecting a paywall. I am hoping that by the end of this month, it will all be signed sealed and delivered. But it might take longer.
There is some good news: should you decide to become a paying subscriber, the Canadian dollar in which you will be charged is at a low ebb and sinking. So $7Can won’t hurt too much….
Thank you again for following ThisDay&Age. I am working on making 2024, my 84th year, the most imaginative and compelling yet.
Monika Ullmann