Hello Navyo,

welcome back, I've missed you. I do believe that we're all dealing with this condition each in our particular way. I write. Or paint. Or shout at my dumb TV...

Thank you for the link; I will read it. And here's the thing: nothing stays the same for very long, and even this bad patch will eventually be replaced by something else. I keep hoping for better times though the evidence for that isn't overwhelming . But it's kind of essential. Call me a cockeyed optimist if you will. I love that quote by Williams; pure genius, though as it turned out, some funny people are still alive and kicking ass....I salute them! And you.

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I can imagine...trouble is, no matter what you say or do, these people persist in their delusions.

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Thanks, Monika, for voicing this condition that I'm sure affects untold numbers of us. I for one succumbed, thinking it was just me as the anti-vaxxer weirdo who relied on logic, cognitive thinking and sense reality while everyone around me went insane. They were the ones who were sick, not me. But it's taken its toll and I've ended up demoralized, unmotivated, lethargic and depressed. Inertia has struck like a slow-motion bowl of upturned porridge that was once a sense of purpose. Basically, thanks to all this planned-demia, life has become a real drag.

Of course, I know it really isn't so, not in the vital nature of things, not in my soul or even in living memory. Nevertheless, it's something tangible to deal with. I'm sure Pfizer or Beyer have a pill for it that will add to their merciless evil profiteering stash of misbegotten wealth.

Humor I believe is the last vestige of hope, our savior before the will to live is finally flushed down the toilet of eternity. At least it gives me something in this dull nothingness of PPSD. I also believe it was one of the life-saving attitudes of Jews in the Holocaust. Or as Robin Williams put it on live television in Germany: "So, Robin, why don't you think we Germans have a sense of humor?" "Because you killed all the funny people."

This article puts PPSD into perspective. Even though it's about cholesterol and heart disease it's really about the stress caused by social dislocation and provides some powerful historical evidence. Really worth a read.


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Amen. When these idiotic mandates first touched down, I took my N95 mask, which is horribly uncomfortable to wear, and with a sharpie I wrote 'F@&K MASKS' across the front. This got me into several nasty confrontations with fellow shoppers, who I guess were offended with my political statement. Says a lot about the sheep-like quality and vicious stupidity of my fellow Canadians.

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