Well, being almost 82 and still loving life, I do like your commentary, Monika! And thanks for that wonderful Youtube piece with divine Pavarotti, that epitome of "Lebenslust"! Great! And for the tip regarding castor oil! I will try it immediately! Warm greetings from your German cousin
Well, being almost 82 and still loving life, I do like your commentary, Monika! And thanks for that wonderful Youtube piece with divine Pavarotti, that epitome of "Lebenslust"! Great! And for the tip regarding castor oil! I will try it immediately! Warm greetings from your German cousin
Amazing, your subject matter, Painting and young Pavarotti. Thank you roe enriching my life Monika.
Dear Gerd, I am so happy that you feel this way. It makes it all worth while. Thank you for responding today; I do really appreciate it.