Whose idea was this, anyway
Well done, Monika, I totally agree! BTW, Roger Scruton was highly critical of Michel Foucault (as in this brilliant essay: https://matiane.wordpress.com/2020/09/23/roger-scruton-on-michel-foucault-from-thinkers-of-new-left/). I knew about rumours that Foucault was a pederast, this probably was a hidden part of his negative philosophy.
Thanks for the comment, Lore. If one goes by Google searches, F is a wonderful guy we should all respect. Scruton's and Murrays's and now my assessment is the minority view to which I subscribe wholeheartedly ....
Well done, Monika, I totally agree! BTW, Roger Scruton was highly critical of Michel Foucault (as in this brilliant essay: https://matiane.wordpress.com/2020/09/23/roger-scruton-on-michel-foucault-from-thinkers-of-new-left/). I knew about rumours that Foucault was a pederast, this probably was a hidden part of his negative philosophy.
Thanks for the comment, Lore. If one goes by Google searches, F is a wonderful guy we should all respect. Scruton's and Murrays's and now my assessment is the minority view to which I subscribe wholeheartedly ....