I find it hilarious that the local government sees fit to 'consult' with aboriginal groups about such projects, while refusing to engage with us 'white racists'. Pathetic.

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Thanks, Monika. Terrifying, isn’t it? The zealots of wokeism are so self-parodingly absurd yet they have no idea, no self-awareness to realize it. Being offended has become a worse crime than murder, which somehow has become okay. How did that happen? War on the West looks a must-read.

Meanwhile... https://mobile.twitter.com/marinersilas/status/1497771874562023424

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The battle is heating up...we have a ways to go before this is over and done with. Thank you for your comments and support!

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Thank you Eric. I am considering starting a petition to stop the Museum destruction. Not that they would listen...

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Thank you, Monika, for your important and brillant essay. Surely I will read "War on the West", but I still don't understand that a small group of woke people have achieved such enormous power. None of my family and friends are strictly "woke", they are neither "upper" nor "lower" class, neither rich nor poor, but "normal" people with normal jobs. So -- what is the social background of woke people? Well, it is surely a very important issue and not a brief "Zeitgeist"-movement.

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It's mostly Millenials who got brainwashed at university ...but it might be interesting to have a closer look at the demographics here. The Woke Cult is now everywhere and mirrors the slow but inevitable takeover of society by that age group as we oldster fade away...

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Another cogent rant against the idiocy of our days...maybe it's time to leave middle earth, before the Orcs get any closer!

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