Bring on the reckoning. A 'flying court-martial' would be in order for duplicitous traitors such as Trudeau and Freeland, then up against the wall. Brueggemann is a genius in my opinion, and so is Peterson. Unfortunately, and I've been banging this gong for donkey's years, Canadians are mostly apathetic and stupid, so the future looks grim.
Thank you, Monika. Much needed at this juncture. The elephants are losing their footing, they're starting to wobble, and some are shitting on the floor. Once folks have to clean up elephant shit, they will start to realize the reality of the situation.
'Contrarian' might be the word I was looking for. German is, by and large, a much more specific language than English and sometimes exact translations aren't available . It is related to 'Querkopf', for sure. Thank you for your comments; we've all lost friends and all of us are struggling with the effort to get a hearing's not over, unfortunately the fight continues.
Dear Vince, I agree with everything but am slightly more optimistic than you re my fellow Canadians. However, only slightly...
Hey Navyo, lovely image you created in my mind...thank you!
Bring on the reckoning. A 'flying court-martial' would be in order for duplicitous traitors such as Trudeau and Freeland, then up against the wall. Brueggemann is a genius in my opinion, and so is Peterson. Unfortunately, and I've been banging this gong for donkey's years, Canadians are mostly apathetic and stupid, so the future looks grim.
Thank you, Monika. Much needed at this juncture. The elephants are losing their footing, they're starting to wobble, and some are shitting on the floor. Once folks have to clean up elephant shit, they will start to realize the reality of the situation.
'Contrarian' might be the word I was looking for. German is, by and large, a much more specific language than English and sometimes exact translations aren't available . It is related to 'Querkopf', for sure. Thank you for your comments; we've all lost friends and all of us are struggling with the effort to get a hearing's not over, unfortunately the fight continues.