Thank you for this, Lore. This tragedy should be a lesson, a wakeup call and a warning to the techno mad West. But will it? Those who put their faith in techno gadgets will lose their lives, as was the case with the Hamas rabble able to outwit and outmaneuver the techno mad Israeli forces. They relied on technology and their people got murdered. Apparently Hamas knew that the Israelis relied on technology instead of people on the ground and just intercepted messages so they knew nothing about what was going on for hours. How long is it going to take before we get the message?

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Well written and analyzed, Monika, thank you! This big scandal was also noted in Germany (Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesschau, several other reports, as this one: https://u-labs.de/portal/der-horizon-skandal-wie-ein-softwareproblem-ignoranz-das-leben-hunderter-menschen-zerstoerten-einer-der-groessten-justizskandale-in-europa/.) It is utterly appalling how the British Post and politicians in charge ignored the problems and destroyed hundreds of lives.

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