Nicely done… favourite line: Perhaps that’s true / But remember what Shelley knew / Ye are many, they are few.

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I like this poem very much, Monika. And it is true, the danger of manipulating language is far more present in our time than it used to be in former centuries. But the problem of what is beyond words was existent also in former times, and writers and philosophers of the epoch of Romanticism were particularly aware of that, perhaps because it was a somwhat similar time of radical change and revolutionary tendencies as our present age. Typical of that consciousness is this little distiches of Friedrich Schiller: "Spricht die Seele, so spricht / - ach! - schon die Seele nicht mehr." Well, this is just one aspect, is does not reflect on the aspect of manipulating our language deliberately, with the intention of achieving political power. This you do point out impressively and connect it very convincingly with that great Humpty Dumpty episode. Thank you, Monika, very good indeed!

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Thank you for that fascinating comment, Lore. Perhaps we are heading into a New Romantic Age? A new Schiller in the wings ? At the moment, things are revolutionary for sure and the poor 'soul' doesn't get much attention except by people like McGilchrist. We live in exciting times...

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Yes, that's true; so it is important that people like you and me listen to the nonverbal "expressions" of our souls and the souls of all we love.

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Thank you very much for the organ recital Monika.

Kind Regards and all the best, Gerd

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It's wonderful isn't it?

I am so pleased that it resonated with you too.

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Keep em coming!!!

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More are on the way...thanks for your comments.

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