Thanks for your comments Gail, you bring up multiple issues, some of which are highly relevant to the discussion. Eric, that's a good question. I think the bottom line here is that we need to collectively realise that grievous wrongs have been committed by the west and their puppet regime in Kyiv. I don't think you can ignore the systematic shelling of innocent civilians in eastern Ukraine. It was always meant as a provocation. Populations in the west need to immediately hold their governments to account for the completely reckless warmongering going on right now, and implicitly repudiate it. When we normalise nuclear war, you know we have a massive problem. I like to quote Field Marshal von Rundstedt, OB West during the Normandy campaign, who when asked by Hitler what should be done regarding the dire military situation, simply answered 'Make peace, you fools'.

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Thank you for sharing this remarkable, factual, historically undeniable article. Mine and my husband’s maternal and paternal family members either emigrated to the US just prior to the Marxist Revolution or fled Communist regime shortly thereafter. As Jews, they were not strangers to antisemitism, but remained proud of their Russian heritage. That said, among the most virulent antisemites, Jews are not exempt. The self loathing blame their own for the burden they’ve borne.

Witness Marx, Mandel, the original owner of the NYT, George Soros,Chomsky, Linda Gold, Jill Stein, Beinert,Ben Rhodes, J Street, the left and ZELENSKYY!

Ukraine is neither a democracy nor a beacon of decency. The corruption is legion and the US/Britain/NATO is largely responsible for the toxicity , instability and deliberate, constant provocation of Russia.

We’ve broken treaties, continued NATO buildup, abetted and given the Nazis tremendous power. Zelenskyy, lauded by the globalists as a “ Jewrish hero”, is anything but! The little bastard is a turncoat tyrant. Flanked by his Azov Regiment Nazis, he has systematically decimated any scintilla of “ democracy” in the puppet nation. Criminalized opposition parties, created a single television State broadcast source, lies with shameless alacrity and propaganda. He has banned Russian cuisine and music.The Russian language. His Nazis are torturing and slaughtering ethnic Ukrainians in Mariupol, Donetsk and the entire Dombass region. He lied about the Russians striking the Holocaust Memorial, functioning nuclear plant, Chernobyl, taking over the Mariupol/Azov steel factory and tower, the Snake Island “ victory”, Ghost Of Kiev and though it sickens me, I believe his Nazis committed the Bucha Massacre and staging.

The CIA special operatives have trained the Nazis and are embedded throughout Ukraine. Occasional videos escape censorship with American voices amidst the Ukranian soldiers. Laughter, too.” Journalists” in combat zones… filmed curled up, bravely reporting… except they’re posing. They are nowhere near any combat.

The army lines up singing the Bandera Nazi anthem followed by “ Glory To Ukraine”. It’s sickening. Go back to the 2014 US led Color Revolution and you’ll see John McCain yucking it up with the Nazis.Just as he was pictured in Syria with Bagdahdadi.

There are so many American political bad actors sponging off Ukraine, simultaneously stealing from the citizens, laundering money, transferring weapons, overthrowing elected leaders and installing Nazi empathizer WEF puppet leaders. Poroscheko, Zelenskyy… thieves.

A key player is George Soros, the NABU “ anti-corruption” Ukraine division. Fiona Hill ran the office. The Atlantic Councill is the Burissma lobby.Soros is forbidden entry to Russia. See the pattern? It was never really about Putin’s “ tyranny”. The world. Is filled with tyrants. We may qualify as #1. It’s globalism. The “ Great Reset” NWO. Putin is a nationalist. To really get a bead on how our targets are chosen, what do Russia, Hungary, Brazil, Israel, Egypt, India, Libya, Nigeria, Philippines,Italy ( currently), Myanmar and until recently, Trump, Italy under Salvini, Peru,Chile, Greece, Hungary, Honduras, Colombia, El Salvador, Japan, the Brexit Movement, Netherlands. Australia( pre- Morrison), Morocco,Solomon Islands, Canada undercHarper, Czech Republic under Zeman , Serbia/Kosovo peace deal have/ had in common? Newly elected right leaning leaders, borders, sovereignty, stability, nationalism. How did so many get toppled in such a short time? Nobody is paying attention to the deliberate chaos.

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Well written article Vince, congratulations. Question: Given that “inviolable” borders are redrawn when it suits “great” powers, and no one wants nuclear annihilation: how do we create a world order in which we are not subject to arbitrary death in pointless wars? Especially when “not-so-great” powers (read Russia) decide they have a right to expand to historic borders??

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Thank you, Vincent, Monika. This is all very chilling, not a feet up on the sofa chilling but a cold brush with death chilling. History seems to be rapidly repeating and I just pray it doesn't go nuclear.

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Yes, we all hope and pray that this cup passes...I live from day to day, grateful that we are still here...these are indeed chilly times!

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