Abortion is between a woman and her doctor. People who refuse to get vaccinated are endangering 37 million in Canada. A person going around unvaccinated is like carrying a concealed gun. It's an act of psychological aggressiveness and irresponsibility that could at any time become physically harmful to anybody.
Furthermore anti-vaxxers are not being "scapegoated". They are free to do what they want until they endanger others. They are fortunate they are not fined or criminally charged. There are many minorities in Canada who ARE scapegoats. To draw an equivalency between a deliberately unvaccinated person and a person designated as a scapegoat by traditional discrimination over hundreds of years, such as an Indigenous person, a Jewish person, or a black person, is to minimize their suffering as real scapegoats at the hands of Canadians.
I agree with this rationale. I also agree that antivaxers are not victims or scapegoats. Although many don't think it is a solid legal argument for the antivaxers, Brian Peckford a former Premier is arguing that the Charter supports them. He is of the originalist or literalist school of interpreters of the Charter. I think he is wrong as the SCC has historically held that the Charter is a living instrument and must be given context and freedoms can be limited accordingly. If you believe, as most do, that the pandemic is an emergency situation, then our freedoms can be curtailed in that context and not offend the Charter. This will be tested in the Courts. The makeup of the SCC is changed in recent years, conservative literalists vs more progressive interventionist judges. We shall see.
I might be out of line with this, but I don't believe in constitutions. I particularly don't believe or trust the lawyers who write constitutions, don't trust the abstruse legalese language of constitutions, don't believe for a minute the lawyers who interpret constitutions, manipulate and abuse them for their own purposes, shroud constitutions in language that most folks don't understand,, ignore constitutions when it's convenient for them, and sanctimoniously quote them when it's to their advantage. Most important, as the majority of Canadians cannot afford to hire a lawyer, justice is largely impossible and therefore I have no belief in a constitution written by lawyers.
I believe in plain everyday people language spoken by and accessible to all. I believe in the language of common sense and common decency that makes everyone equal. The law itself cannot be trusted because it was written in the Dark Ages to protect Lords and Ladies and their property from the masses of peasants, serfs and workers.
I do believe in democracy of the people, by the people, for the people, something we the people have never had. I don't believe in anything that distracts folks from democracy, equality, justice and peace, anything that divides folks into a million small atomized bubbles, namely, almost everything in today's Canada.
Well, this is why we have the Charter to protect us from governments and agents of the state. The real issue here is its interpretation. I brought it up because that is how the pro vs. anti-vaccine mandate should be framed.
As someone who does b believe in constitutions, I agree. It all comes down to interpretation. And so far, the law has held up and it may again. This is far from over. Indeed, it is just the beginning of what I am pleased to call The Great Reckoning.
I just want to add this: there are countless dozens and dozens of injustices, prejudices, discriminations, and oppressions the rich and powerful in the right wing power structure use to abuse vulnerable Canadians on the lower half of the social economic ladder and keep the work force submissively obedient. The worst, in my estimation, is the inability of the majority of Canadians to obtain representation by a lawyer or obtain help from an MP or MLA. That, in itself, negates the quaint notion that Canada is a democracy. In comparison, the dangerous desire to refuse vaccination is a triviality that should not be tolerated by all Canadians working to make Canada safe, democratic, just, equal, socially harmonious, kind, friendly, generous, and a proponent of world peace.
Well, well, well. All the pathetic arguments based on overheated hyperbole by the well-healed neo-Marxists in our midst come to the fore. Quite remarkable, how seemingly intelligent people are so swift to embrace collectivist tripe. If it's some sort of authoritarian state of being you crave, book a flight to Peking. And good riddance, you don't deserve a genuine democracy.
It isn't clear to me why anti-vaxxers don't want to be vaccinated. Are you afraid of needles or did you once have some side effects after a vaccination? Are you hyped up about some way of finally having some sort of cause to back up the right wing's irrational hatred of Justin Trudeau? Do you not understand your freedom cannot be permitted to endanger the lives of others? Can you be clear and direct?
that you believe in the myth of the unvaccinated endangering others simply shows your utter lack of understanding of this issue. The only people the unvaccinated endanger is themselves. And who are you to tell others what to do with their bodies??? You are an ill informed, scared and rather stupid Canadian. And I wish to God that I lived somewhere else, like Florida. I no longer like or admire this country that I immigrated to as a teenager. You can take and shove it. You and your ilk do not deserve to live in a democracy. Oh, I forgot, we no longer have one, thanks to people like you.
And you sound like the idiot you clearly are. There are too many people like you in Canada and that is why this democracy is going to shit. As for being 'childish', yep, I am very childlike. I have the wisdom of age and the playfulness and open mind of a child. And in the interests of my mental health, you won't be spouting your rubbish on my site any longer.
Abortion is between a woman and her doctor. People who refuse to get vaccinated are endangering 37 million in Canada. A person going around unvaccinated is like carrying a concealed gun. It's an act of psychological aggressiveness and irresponsibility that could at any time become physically harmful to anybody.
Furthermore anti-vaxxers are not being "scapegoated". They are free to do what they want until they endanger others. They are fortunate they are not fined or criminally charged. There are many minorities in Canada who ARE scapegoats. To draw an equivalency between a deliberately unvaccinated person and a person designated as a scapegoat by traditional discrimination over hundreds of years, such as an Indigenous person, a Jewish person, or a black person, is to minimize their suffering as real scapegoats at the hands of Canadians.
I agree with this rationale. I also agree that antivaxers are not victims or scapegoats. Although many don't think it is a solid legal argument for the antivaxers, Brian Peckford a former Premier is arguing that the Charter supports them. He is of the originalist or literalist school of interpreters of the Charter. I think he is wrong as the SCC has historically held that the Charter is a living instrument and must be given context and freedoms can be limited accordingly. If you believe, as most do, that the pandemic is an emergency situation, then our freedoms can be curtailed in that context and not offend the Charter. This will be tested in the Courts. The makeup of the SCC is changed in recent years, conservative literalists vs more progressive interventionist judges. We shall see.
I might be out of line with this, but I don't believe in constitutions. I particularly don't believe or trust the lawyers who write constitutions, don't trust the abstruse legalese language of constitutions, don't believe for a minute the lawyers who interpret constitutions, manipulate and abuse them for their own purposes, shroud constitutions in language that most folks don't understand,, ignore constitutions when it's convenient for them, and sanctimoniously quote them when it's to their advantage. Most important, as the majority of Canadians cannot afford to hire a lawyer, justice is largely impossible and therefore I have no belief in a constitution written by lawyers.
I believe in plain everyday people language spoken by and accessible to all. I believe in the language of common sense and common decency that makes everyone equal. The law itself cannot be trusted because it was written in the Dark Ages to protect Lords and Ladies and their property from the masses of peasants, serfs and workers.
I do believe in democracy of the people, by the people, for the people, something we the people have never had. I don't believe in anything that distracts folks from democracy, equality, justice and peace, anything that divides folks into a million small atomized bubbles, namely, almost everything in today's Canada.
Well, this is why we have the Charter to protect us from governments and agents of the state. The real issue here is its interpretation. I brought it up because that is how the pro vs. anti-vaccine mandate should be framed.
As someone who does b believe in constitutions, I agree. It all comes down to interpretation. And so far, the law has held up and it may again. This is far from over. Indeed, it is just the beginning of what I am pleased to call The Great Reckoning.
I just want to add this: there are countless dozens and dozens of injustices, prejudices, discriminations, and oppressions the rich and powerful in the right wing power structure use to abuse vulnerable Canadians on the lower half of the social economic ladder and keep the work force submissively obedient. The worst, in my estimation, is the inability of the majority of Canadians to obtain representation by a lawyer or obtain help from an MP or MLA. That, in itself, negates the quaint notion that Canada is a democracy. In comparison, the dangerous desire to refuse vaccination is a triviality that should not be tolerated by all Canadians working to make Canada safe, democratic, just, equal, socially harmonious, kind, friendly, generous, and a proponent of world peace.
Well, well, well. All the pathetic arguments based on overheated hyperbole by the well-healed neo-Marxists in our midst come to the fore. Quite remarkable, how seemingly intelligent people are so swift to embrace collectivist tripe. If it's some sort of authoritarian state of being you crave, book a flight to Peking. And good riddance, you don't deserve a genuine democracy.
It isn't clear to me why anti-vaxxers don't want to be vaccinated. Are you afraid of needles or did you once have some side effects after a vaccination? Are you hyped up about some way of finally having some sort of cause to back up the right wing's irrational hatred of Justin Trudeau? Do you not understand your freedom cannot be permitted to endanger the lives of others? Can you be clear and direct?
Dear Mr Chanin,
that you believe in the myth of the unvaccinated endangering others simply shows your utter lack of understanding of this issue. The only people the unvaccinated endanger is themselves. And who are you to tell others what to do with their bodies??? You are an ill informed, scared and rather stupid Canadian. And I wish to God that I lived somewhere else, like Florida. I no longer like or admire this country that I immigrated to as a teenager. You can take and shove it. You and your ilk do not deserve to live in a democracy. Oh, I forgot, we no longer have one, thanks to people like you.
And you sound like the idiot you clearly are. There are too many people like you in Canada and that is why this democracy is going to shit. As for being 'childish', yep, I am very childlike. I have the wisdom of age and the playfulness and open mind of a child. And in the interests of my mental health, you won't be spouting your rubbish on my site any longer.