I think that the backlash is already under way; though clearly it's confined to the chattering classes. I find the fear of speaking your mind really frightening and it is all too common. This is going to be a long war...but we will win, in the end.
Yes, you are right...but lack of awareness empowers these deluded souls and that is what is so concerning to me and many others. Thanks for reading and commenting!
I, like a lot of my compatriots, tried valiantly to ignore the WOKE cancer, as long as it remained confined to universities. All this changed with the Evergreen College 'incident' some years ago, which to me signalled that this contagion was out of control. And I also find it infuriating that otherwise intelligent people have no interest in or knowledge of this crisis. The positive sounding rhetoric of these lefties reminds me of the preachings of regimes such as that of Pol Pot in Cambodia, and we know how that worked out.
Please do ask more! I would love to read the results of your interviews. Getting a public 'feel' of the issue helps see it for what it is. While the media push it down our throats, it seems it's not common social currency. Let's pray it stays that way. It has no ground, no substance in actual reality, an abstract absurd ideology that only benefits its architects.
Wonderfully done! Actual ‘man in the street reporting’….a phrase so outdated about something now so little done that it stinks of gender bias!
I am indeed totally outdated and will continue in this fashion.
thanks for commenting!
I think that the backlash is already under way; though clearly it's confined to the chattering classes. I find the fear of speaking your mind really frightening and it is all too common. This is going to be a long war...but we will win, in the end.
Yes, you are right...but lack of awareness empowers these deluded souls and that is what is so concerning to me and many others. Thanks for reading and commenting!
I, like a lot of my compatriots, tried valiantly to ignore the WOKE cancer, as long as it remained confined to universities. All this changed with the Evergreen College 'incident' some years ago, which to me signalled that this contagion was out of control. And I also find it infuriating that otherwise intelligent people have no interest in or knowledge of this crisis. The positive sounding rhetoric of these lefties reminds me of the preachings of regimes such as that of Pol Pot in Cambodia, and we know how that worked out.
Please do ask more! I would love to read the results of your interviews. Getting a public 'feel' of the issue helps see it for what it is. While the media push it down our throats, it seems it's not common social currency. Let's pray it stays that way. It has no ground, no substance in actual reality, an abstract absurd ideology that only benefits its architects.
Nice experiment! Love it. Keep up the good work.